Welcome to the Spring 2023 Semester!

January 6, 2023
Dear Members and Friends of the Yale Political Union,
It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to the Spring 2023 semester in the Yale Political Union. My fellow officers and I look forward to presenting another exciting semester in the Union, filled with taps, hisses, motions, sharp questions, Mory’s dinners, and many more raucous debates on Tuesday evenings in Sudler Hall. Below you will find a provisional overview of this semester’s schedule of debates, and a few notes on organizational matters as we return to the debate floor.
Provisional Schedule of Debates, Spring 2023

January 24

January 31

February 7
February 14
February 21
February 28

March 6

March 28

April 4

April 11

April 18

April 25

Timothy Snyder and Jason Stanley

Sandy Baum

Dasha Nekrasova

Guest Forthcoming

Daniel Markovitz

G. William Hoagland

Adom Getachew (Monday debate)

Gardner White Prize Debate

John Avalon

Marianne Williamson

Guest Forthcoming

Party Prize Debate

We are delighted to host Professor Timothy Snyder and Professor Jason Stanley at our Organizational Debate on Tuesday January 24th, 2023, the opening debate for the year. At this debate, the Chairs and Chairmen of the Union’s seven constituent parties will also present passionate speeches to introduce their respective Party to the body. Whether you are considering joining the Union or interested in Professor Snyder and Professor Stanley’s ideas, you would not want to miss this exciting debate! Details on ResComm for this debate will be sent in a forthcoming email from the Speaker.
The Yale Political Union is the oldest collegiate debate society in America. In its eighty-eight years of history, the Union has remained a locale of fellowship, interlocution, and of both levity and gravity to its members. Neither discourse nor camaraderie will be possible, of course, without a culture of mutual respect. As we enter into the Spring semester, the Speaker and I will commit to a standard of transparency, mutuality, and inclusion in our governance of this Union. We endeavor to maintain the openness and integrity of our floor, where all members may speak and be heard in turn.
Our debates are usually free and open to the entire Yale community. Everyone, regardless of membership status, is welcome to attend. Please subscribe to the YPU Calendar to keep track of events throughout the term. More information about the Union and its seven Parties may also be found on our website.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year and safe travels as you return to campus. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, and I will see you all on the debate floor.
Jean Wang (she/they)
President of the Yale Political Union
Fall 2022 in Photos! 
President Logan Roberts, Sen. Nina Turner, and Speaker Calvin Chai-Onn
Questions at the Nina Turner debate
Counting the votes during the Chelsea Manning debate on Resolved: Regulate Consumer Surveillance
Party whip sheets from the Party of the Left and the Party of the Right
Chairman of the Tory Party delivers org speech
All smiles from the Independent Party
Thank you all for a wonderful semester!